Past Tour Dates

November 2002
Festival de Percussions, Ile de la Réunion (FRANCE)
September 28-30, 2004
Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene OR (USA)
October 1-2, 2004
Benaroya Hall, Seattle WA (USA)
October 8, 2004
Beckman Auditorium, Cal Tech, UCLA, Pasadena CA (USA)
October 12, 2004
The Perot Theater, Texarkana TX (USA)
October 14, 2004
Dallas Convention Center, Dallas TX (USA)
October 19-20, 2004
Centennial Hall, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson AZ (USA)
October 22, 2004
The Lied Center of Kansas, Lawrence KS (USA)
October 23-25, 2004
Edison Theater, Washington University, St.Louis MO (USA)
October 28, 2004
Arts Block Performing Arts Foundation, Wausau WI (USA)
November 1-3, 2004
Publick Playhouse for the Performing Arts, Cheverley MD (USA)
November 4, 2004
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh PA (USA)
November 6, 2004
The Bardavon 1869 Opera House, Poughkeepsie NY (USA)
November 7-8, 2004
Schenectady Light Opera House, Schenectady NY (USA)
July 6-10, 2006
Sunfest, London ON (CANADA)
July 20-23, 2006
Festival International Nuits d’Afrique, Montréal QC (CANADA)
July 29-30, 2006
Festival Percu-Phonie, St-Césaire QC (CANADA)
August 4-7 2006
Festival International Rythmes du Monde, Chicoutimi QC (CANADA)
August 10, 2006
Festival des Traditions du Monde, Fleurimont QC (CANADA)
August 11-13, 2006
Festival Musique du Bout du Monde, Gaspé QC (CANADA)
August 17, 2006
Espace Felix Leclerc, Ile d’Orléans QC (CANADA)
August 19-22, 2006
Festival Dans/Ce Kapital, Ottawa ON (CANADA)
Aug. 24 - Sep.3, 2006
Espace Felix Leclerc, Ile d’Orléans QC (CANADA)
October 16-23, 2006
1st ACP Festival, Santo Domingo (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)
October 27-28, 2006
Keenan Theater, Columbia SC (USA)
January 21, 2007
Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference (APAP), New York NY (USA)
January 24, 2007
Performance for Columbia Mayor and SC Legislature, Columbia SC
February 1-2, 2007
Colleton County Arts Council, Walterboro SC (USA)
February 3, 2007
Global Mission Conference, Columbia SC (USA)
February 15-16, 2007
Publick Playhouse for the Performing Arts, Cheverly MD (USA)
February 22, 2007
Claflin University, Orangeburg SC (USA)
March 1-3, 2007
Symposium and Performance at Spingold Theater, Brandeis University, Waltham MA (USA)
March 5-8, 2007
Residency and Performance at Suffolk University, Boston MA (USA)
March 16-17, 2007
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas TX (USA)
March 31, 2007
Rosslyn Spectrum Theater, Arlington VA (USA)
April 22, 2007
Houston International Festival, Houston TX (USA)
April 26 + 29, 2007
Louisiana International Festival, Lafayette (USA)
April 27-28, 2007
New Orleans Jazz Festival, New Orleans LA (USA)
May 6-10, 2007
The Nubian Archaeological Project, Detroit MI (USA)
May 15-20, 2007
African Diaspora Arts Collective, Philadelphia PA (USA)
May 24, 2007
Urban Gateways at Cindy Pritzker Auditorium, Harold Washington Library, Chicago IL (USA)
June 29-30, 2007
Festival Couleur Café, Brussels (BELGIUM)
July 1st, 2007
Afrikafest, Hertme (NETHERLANDS)
July 5, 2007
Festival Musiques de Nuits, Bordeaux (FRANCE)
July 7, 2007
Festival Etnica, Gandia, (SPAIN)
July 9, 2007
Festival La Mar de Musica, Cartagena (SPAIN)
July 14, 2007
Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aix-La-Chapelle (Aachen)
July 20, 2007
San Marino Ethnologic Festival, Saint-Marin (SAN MARINO)
July 21, 2007
Performance for Fête Nationale de la Belgique, Brussels (BELGIUM)
August 11, 2007
Afrikadey, Calgary AB (CANADA)
August 16, 2007
Hand Drum Rhythms, Victoria BC (CANADA)
August 17-19, 2007
Roots Blues Festival, Salmon Arm BC (CANADA)
August 29, 2007
Los Angeles Showcase, CA (USA)
September 4, 2007
IACEP Showcase, Las Vegas, NV (USA)
September 10-15, 2007
Festiwalu Skryzowanie Kultur Festival, Warsaw (POLAND)
September 19, 2007
World Music Festival, Chicago, IL (USA)
September 22, 2007
Nuits d’Afrique at Kola Note, Montreal QC (CANADA)
September 23, 2007
World Festival, Toronto ON (CANADA)
September 28-29, 2007
Lotus Festival, Bloomington, IN (USA)
October 5, 2007
Hand Drum Rhythms, Park Theatre, Winnipeg MB (CANADA)
October 22-28, 2007
Global Education Center, Nashville TN (USA)
February 2-15, 2008
Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES)
May 12-17, 2008
Seattle International Children Festival, Seattle WA (USA)
May 19, 2008
Seattle International Children Festival, Tacoma WA (USA)
May 21, 2008
Nelson BC (CANADA)
May 27-31, 2008
International Children’s Festival, Edmonton AB (CANADA)
July 31-August 3, 2008
Sacheon Percussion Festival, Sacheon (SOUTH KOREA)
August 4-5, 2008
Pyeongtaek Super Percussion Festival, Anseong (SOUTH KOREA)
September 15-17, 2008
Perc-Pan Festival, Rio de Janeiro (BRAZIL)
September 18-19, 2008 15
Perc-Pan Festival, Salvador-de-Bahia (BRAZIL)
November 27-30, 2008
Festival Tambour Battant, Geneva (SWITZERLAND)
May 1-3, 2009
Festival Banlieue Rythmes, Dakar (SENEGAL)
Feb 3-4 /2012
Publick Playhouse for the performing Arts, 5445 Landover Road, Cheverly, MD 20784
February 12, 2012,
Sanders Theatre for the Performing Arts-Harvard University, located at 45 Quincy Street in Cambridge, MA
Feb 13/14
Residency at Brandeis University, A private research university with liberal arts focus in Waltham/Boston,
Feb 14/15/16
Residency at Phillips Academy, 180 Main Street, Andover, MA
February 21-26/2012
March 7-9/2012
International Women’s Summit in San Francisco, California.
March 20 - 21, 2012
BET "Leading Women Defined Conference" Washington DC.
March 23/24 /2012
Symphony Space 2537 Broadway, New York, NY, United States
March 23rd, 2012,
Drum & Dance Clinic at NYU ( New York University)
New York, New York, USA.
March 24-26/2012
New York City 5 borough School performance at Curtis High School in Staten Island, Sponsor by National Endowment for the Arts.
March 24-26/2012
New York City 5 borough School performance in Brooklyn, Sponsor by the National Endowment for the Arts.
March 25th, 2012,
Symposium on FGM and Q & A, at NYU (New York University)
New York, New York, USA.
March 24-26/2012
New York City 5 borough School performance in Queens, Sponsor by the National Endowment for the Arts.
March 24-26/2012
New York City 5 borough School performance in Harlem, Sponsor by the National Endowment for the Arts.
March 24-26/2012
New York City 5 borough School performance in the Bronx, Sponsor by the National Endowment for the Arts.
March 29-30 through April 1st, 2012
Columbia International Festival, State Fair Ground
Columbia, SC, USA.
June 27th, 2012,
Children's Drum workshop at the Jubilee Festival of Heritage
Sponsor by Columbia Historic Foundation.
Columbia, SC, USA.
July 14th, 2012,
Boston African Festival at the City Hall Plaza.
Boston MA, USA.
July 21st, 2012,
Festival International Nuits D'Afrique, A La Place des Spectacles
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
December 14th, 2012,
Interactive Performances and Q & A at Pioneer Valley
Performing Arts Charter Schools. Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
December 14, 2012,
Interactive performances and Q & A at
Bridge St. School. Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
December 15, 2012,
Performance at the Academy of Music, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
December 19, 2012,
Performance at Camp Long Juvenal Camp, Aiken, South Carolina, USA.
February 28, 2013,
Fundraising event for Medical relief for Africa
KAMRA/NIMBAYA! partnership supported by MAP.
at North Spring Elementary School. Columbia, SC, USA.
April 4th, 2013,
Health and Culture program, lecture demonstration
and dance & fitness clinic at Columbia College
205 Godbold, Columbia College Drive
Sponsor by Columbia College Gender and Women's Studies Committee,
by CC Diversity and by CCNDEO. Columbia, SC, USA.
April 12-13- 14, 2013,
Columbia International Festival
at the State Fair Ground.
Columbia, SC, USA.
April 16-19, 2013,
NIMBAYA! Young people Drumming & Dance workshops, lecture demonstration at the Juvenal Detention Center in Yellow Spring Ohio
Yellow Spring,Ohio, USA.
April 25-27, 2013,
Performances at the Festival International de Louisiane
in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
February 5-20th, 2014
NIMBAYA! Will be part of Australia 2014 National Multicultural Festival
in Canberra, and the group will also tour other cities, such as Sydney,
Melbourne etc. This tour will be sponsor by the Australian Government
to promote awareness about FGM.
November 16-18, 2014
4 Concerts at Miami Book Fair International
Presented & Produce by the Center for Literature
and Theater at Miami Dade College
Miami, Florida, USA.